Whitelisting for Analytics

If you are unable to view Analytics on GMetri on certain networks, which is commonly the case on corporate and university networks, it may be required to whitelist GMetri's servers and ports so that they are not blocked by the firewall.


These domains cover the bare minimum domains that need to be whitelisted for any GMetri experience to run.

  1. *.gmetri.com

  2. *.vrgmetri.com

Non Wildcard List

(In case you aren't able to use the wildcard entries above)

  1. portal.gmetri.com

  2. d.vrgmetri.com

  3. s.vrgmetri.com

  4. u.vrgmetri.com

  5. sms-api.bknd.gmetri.com

  6. z5api-editor.bknd.gmetri.com

  7. z5api-analytics.bknd.gmetri.com

Last updated