06-31 June Update
June 2021 Update (Teaxr v0.5.622)
🚀 Major Features
Updated browser whitelisting for different OS and browsers
2 events are available as clickable actions: is_clicked (resettable) and has_been_clicked (not-resettable)
Actionbar notch now shows a contrasting color to the background
Full support for Macbook touchpad in V5 viewer
⏫ Minor Improvements
Ability to delete and update org logo from the settings page
UI fixes on V5 screens
Duplicate To dropdown in portal is now searchable. Search can be done on org slug or org name
Removed option to Import and select for File manager plugins (sketchfab/flickr/GMetri panos/Drew panos)
V5 deployment links can be accessed from publish section on the editor
Reset View button can be enabled/disabled from editor
UX changed on deployment slug renames when there are clashing deployments with same slug. User sees a toaster and the changes are reverted
🐛 Bug Fixes
A whole lot of bug fixes in the V5 viewer:
Hover events will now works correctly for 0 secs durations
All Viewer Screens (Leadgen, Language, VR instructions etc) work seamlessly on mobile devices
Actionbar variations on all devices (mobile/tablet/desktop) work as expected
Fixed crashing Popups with 3d Models and AR elements on iOS devices
Capture text no longer allows itself to be submitted with an empty string
Media Upload UI fixed
Fixed timer seek_to and on_end events
Fixed scrolling issue on viewer screens for V5 viewer
Fixed Custom list login page for V5 Viewer
Enforce landscape screen shows a better graphic
Fixed orbit controls clicks on mobile devices
Mouse dragging works during scene transitions
GMetri watermark is shown if whitelabel is disabled
Fixed team invite flow on portal
Automatically adding new scenes to menu if auto add new scene to menu property is checked on settings screen inside editor
Non-live deployments are blocked from V5 viewer
Fixed contact Drew page link
Last updated