Embed on your Website

GMetri experiences can be embedded on your website by using the <iframe> code in the Embed tab in the Publish section.

You can also embed this experience in your website by using the embed code.

In most popular publishing tools - the publish link auto-expands into an embed

How can I embed the Metaverse on my Website?

  • Access the HTML editor for your website

  • In the HTML body, insert the code copied from the Embed tab in Publish section

This works only in UI based editors, like the WordPress editor

In case you are using a UI based editor (like WordPress editor), instead of the above steps (where you modify raw html), you can also try directly pasting the deployment link in the editor for the website content.

In most popular publishing tools - the deployment link auto-expands into an embed - like how YouTube links expand in most editors.

Last updated