Editor Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts for the GMetri Editor

Windows/Linux Shortcut
MacOS Shortcut


ctrl + z

cmd + z


ctrl + shift + z

cmd + shift + z

Switch Properties/Structure

` (backtick)

` (backtick)

Fly Controls

alt + q

option + q

Open Rules Panel

ctrl + space

cmd + space

Delete Element / Scene

ctrl + del

cmd + delete

Hide Element

ctrl + h

cmd + h

Duplicate Element / Scene

ctrl + d

cmd + d

Cycle Through Controls

ctrl + q

cmd + q

Zoom In

ctrl + ]

cmd + ]

Zoom Out

ctrl + [

cmd + [

Zoom Reset

ctrl + 0

cmd + 0

3D Scene Controls in the Editor

The following keyboard shortcuts in the editor only if you are in a 3D Scene and "Camera Mode" is "First Person"



←, ↑, ↓, → OR w, a, s, d

Camera Height Up/Down

q, e

Also Check

Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts

Last updated

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